Retiree Health Benefits1. There is currently in effect a retiree health benefit program for retired members of LACERS under LAAC Division 4, Chapter 11. All covered employees who are members of LACERS, regardless of retirement tier, shall contribute to LACERS four percent (4%) of their pre-ta...
When San Diego and San Jose put reforms on the ballot, their pension and retirement health care were 20 percent of the general fund. Another of the six big cities with their own pension systems, Los Angeles, now spends 20 percent of its general fund on retirement. The last big proposal f...
Death notification of a PERS Retiree or spouse Dependent enrollment Dental enrollment New Oregon PERS retirement New Oregon PERS retirees can enroll within 90 days of their PERS effective retirement date. Coverage will begin either on the PERS effective retirement date if the completed Enrollment Reques...
No spension, I advocate to freeze, or if not possible, to VERY (think 50+%) materially reduce the value of FUTURE service Public Sector pension accruals because they are right now 2 to 4 times (4 to 6 times for Safety workers) greater in value upon retirement than those granted comparab...
As used in this section, the term (a) "any employee welfare benefit plan" or "employee pension benefit plan" means any employee welfare benefit plan or employee pension benefit plan, respectively, subject to any provision of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and...