After a car crash results in the death of a truck driver and severe injuries to his wife, Frances, art critic Philip Stark moves into a new home in Los Angeles. His wife is bedridden and he is pleased when art student Betty Kaster drops by and he quickly offers her a job as a careg...
I’ve busted through more pants and dresses with this dumptruck than you could even dream about. I remember when this song came out, I was in middle school, taped it off of the radio, printed off the lyrics and then sang along with passion. I didn’t know it at the time (puberty ...
All in all, it's no surprise when Klee is found murdered with Winford's monkey wrench and his truck is seen leaving the scene. When Winford is charged with the crime, he hires Perry Mason to defend him. Show more Where to Watch Episode 26 The Case of the Dead Ringer Sun, Apr ...