+ALSO:Eight characters in the story were given a last name but no first name, including the killer. Added by H. Mason 4/13/15 ++ Actually, Malone's first name is Mal. jfh 03Feb2017. +++ During court (32:01 of the 2012 Paramount DVD), Prosecutor Clark calls for what sounds like,...
Hicks, Chris
The originalPerry MasonTV show ran for nine seasons (271 episodes) and 30 TV movies. It’s unclear if this newestMasonseries onHBOwill positively end after eight episodes or, if to could be renewed for a second season. Will the ratings be strong enough to persuade all involved to make ad...
actor and friendGreg Masonwho had a heart attack. I spoke with him and he is doing better but has a road to recovery ahead of him. Also in your life