Perry Mason is an American legal drama produced by Paisano Productions that ran for 271 episodes from September 1957 to May 1966 on the CBS television network. Perry Mason was portrayed by Raymond Burr. Burr returned as Mason in 30 made-for-TV movies that aired from 1985 to 1995. Barbara ...
Raymond Burr as Perry Mason [ 1-11 ] Barbara Hale as Della Street William Hopper as Paul Drake [ 1-9 ] William Talman as D.A. Hamilton Burger [ 1-9 ] Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg [ 1-8 ] Richard Anderson as Lt. Steve Drumm [ 9 ] William Katt as Paul Drake Jr. [ 10...
Barely in the scene to the left of Perry's arm. From #56, TCOT Romantic Rogue Seated aside Stacey Chandler with Little Old Lady in a Hat in the back row. From #125, TCOT Impatient Partner Sitting behind and left of Bert Nickols with Little Old Lady in a Hat lurking in the back ...
"If I lose my fame and fortune, and I'm homeless on the street, and I'm sleeping in Grand Central Station/it's okay if you're sleeping with me." Whitney expresses that she can endure any hardship by devoting her love to the partner that stands with her no matter what the circumstan...