“talent scout,” the behavior of Helene Chaney and, at least initially, of Aldritch. A seedy Hollywood inhabited by mostly less than honorable characters seems to be a common theme in the Mason series. Besides the instant episode, episodes like “Vagabond Vixen” and “Promoter’s Pillbox”...
Perry Mason: Created by Ron Fitzgerald, Rolin Jones. With Matthew Rhys, Juliet Rylance, Chris Chalk, Shea Whigham. In booming 1932 Los Angeles, a down-and-out defense attorney takes on the case of a lifetime.
*Both episodes are based on the bookThe Case of the Vagabond Virgin. #258, The Case of theVanishing Victimredoes#22, The Case of theFugitive Nurse #260, The Case of theSausalito Sunriseredoes#13, The Case of theMoth-Eaten Mink
The originalPerry MasonTV show ran for nine seasons (271 episodes) and 30 TV movies. It’s unclear if this newestMasonseries onHBOwill positively end after eight episodes or, if to could be renewed for a second season. Will the ratings be strong enough to persuade all involved to make ad...
Episodes: 271 eps, 30 TVMs Genre(s): Drama Credits: regulars: Raymond Burr as Perry Mason [ 1-11 ] Barbara Hale as Della Street William Hopper as Paul Drake [ 1-9 ] William Talman as D.A. Hamilton Burger [ 1-9 ] Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg [ 1-8 ] Richard Anderson as...
William Hopper screen test as Perry Mason! Episode Guide - Season 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 1957-1958 Season 1 (39 Episodes) - For Sale: Season One, Vol. 1 - Season One, Vol. 2 1 - The Case of the Restless Redhead - 1957-09-21 A red-haired waitress, ac...
Perry Mason feels to me like something that used to be on TV when i was little. And it wasn't even this series, rather the one from the mid to late 1980's where Raymond Burr was older and a bit more round.The suddenly i was supposed to translate a few episodes of this show for...
The New Perry Mason: With Monte Markham, Sharon Acker, Albert Stratton, Harry Guardino. Revival of the long-running hit television series of the 1950s and '60s about Erle Stanley Gardner's brilliant defense attorney.
The Case of the Unsuitable Uncle: Directed by Francis D. Lyon. With Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper, William Talman. Merchant seaman Harry Fothergill arrives in the U.S. with his mate Dickie to visit Dickie's brother and his family. Broke Dick
1.Erle Stanley Gardner: The Creator of Perry Mason 2.The History of the Show The Case of the Lousy Movies Perry Mason on the Radio On to TV, and Lawyers in Love Perry vs. Perry and the Cartwrights Very Few Words from the Sponsors ...