ColorEpisodeThe Case of the Twice-Told Twist (#262) was filmed in color. It aired February 27, 1966, near the end of the series. The show still had a black and white look to it. Here we see Perry asking Donna Reales about the gun. Below are pictures our principle players looking ...
In the Perry Mason season 5 episode 27 titled "The Case of the Counterfeit Crank," the renowned defense attorney finds himself embroiled in a complex and intriguing case involving a counterfeit money scheme. The episode begins with Perry Mason being approached by a young woman named Laura Hewes...
Perry Mason: Created by Ron Fitzgerald, Rolin Jones. With Matthew Rhys, Juliet Rylance, Chris Chalk, Shea Whigham. In booming 1932 Los Angeles, a down-and-out defense attorney takes on the case of a lifetime.
At around 36 minutes into the episode on the Season 1 Volume 2 DVD, the picture begins to jump up and down during Mason's cross-examination of Marion Shelby, with a bit more at 38 minutes. Reminds one of what might happen during old-time syndication broadcasts on local stations showing ...
Chapter Five: Directed by Deniz Gamze Ergüven. With Matthew Rhys, Juliet Rylance, Chris Chalk, Shea Whigham. While Mason and Della are up north, Strickland tracks down the sergeant assigned to the Dodson case. Mason drops in on his ex-wife Linda and son
Raymond Burr as Perry Mason [ 1-11 ] Barbara Hale as Della Street William Hopper as Paul Drake [ 1-9 ] William Talman as D.A. Hamilton Burger [ 1-9 ] Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg [ 1-8 ] Richard Anderson as Lt. Steve Drumm [ 9 ] William Katt as Paul Drake Jr. [ 10...
William Hopper screen test as Perry Mason! Episode Guide - Season 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 1957-1958 Season 1 (39 Episodes) - For Sale: Season One, Vol. 1 - Season One, Vol. 2 1 - The Case of the Restless Redhead - 1957-09-21 A red-haired waitress, ac...
The Case of the Frustrated Folk Singer: Directed by Arthur Marks. With Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper, William Talman. Backwoods Amy Jo Jennings arrives in LA to start a singing career. She is spotted by an agent who signs the naive girl to a
of her 1-year-old son Charlie Dodson. In episode 6, we see Mason has a bad start as the defendant's lawyer. He does want to do his best as Emily's lawyer but considering this is his first case defending in the courtroom, Mason chokes and stammers while he gives his opening ...
5 Perry Crashes 1:13 6 Della Meets Anita 1:03 7 End Credits (Perry Mason: Season 2, Episode 1) 2:00 8 Two Men Were Arrested for Murder 2:13 9 No Powder Burns on McCutchin 1:14 10 Click Clackin' 2:32 11 I Would Have Balked at Two ...