Your trip begins in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It ends in Perris, California.Your flight direction from Almaty, Kazakhstan to Perris, CA is North (12 degrees from North).The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the ...
Skydive Perris is insunny California– we’re open seven days a week, year round, closing only on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. (Weather permitting, of course.) Monday through Friday, we’re open from 8:30 am to sunset. On weekdays, the first load will be after 9:00 am. We s...
Many Experiences +1.951.657.1664 +1.951.943.4863
Be mindful when mapping your driving route to the dropzone if you’re coming from the South – Google Maps will steer you wrong right when you’re almost here! We’re also easily accessible by Metrolink and the Temecula Air Shuttle. When is the dropzone open? Skydive Perris is in sunny...