开发AI搜索引擎的Perplexity 25日发布原生macOS桌面版,提供便利的使用方式,并与OpenAI ChatGPT、Quora Poe等AI应用程序竞争。继去年推出iOS、Android版后,Perplexity桌面版登上Mac计算机,可通过Mac App Store免费下载使用,也能使用月付20美元或年付200美元订阅的Perplexity Pro服务。Perplexity Pro让订阅用户每日可获得...
· And many more, exclusively for Mac. Download Perplexity now and continue your journey to better knowledge and understanding. In-app Subscriptions: If you decide to subscribe to Perplexity Pro, it will be applied to your iTunes account upon confirmation. Subscriptions will automatically renew unle...
· And many more, exclusively for Mac. Download Perplexity now and continue your journey to better knowledge and understanding. In-app Subscriptions: If you decide to subscribe to Perplexity Pro, it will be applied to your iTunes account upon confirmation. Subscriptions will automatically renew unle...
原本 Perplexity AI for Mac 是在 10 月 15 发布的,因某些技术问题被推迟到今天,使用 Mac 的用户现在就可以在 Mac App Store 下载。下载地址:https://ourl.co/106296 流行的基于生成式 AI 对话和搜索工具 Perplexity AI 日前正式推出 Mac 客户端,原本 Perplexity AI 计划在 10 月 15 日推出客户端的,但因...
Sometimes you just want to use a service, for those, having a dedicated app will help them avoid opening a browser and having it consume more resources. Reactions: nostradumbass K Kottu macrumors 6502a Sep 21, 2014 856 1,072 Oct 24, 2024 #34 I use Perplexity and ChatGpt ...
主持人:我们来谈谈护城河吧。这个世界变化很快,几乎每天都有新模型发布,未来的公司在解决知识获取问题后,会逐步进入 AI 代理(Agent)时代,以执行具体任务。不同的 AI 形式也在发展,比如 iOS、Android、Windows、Mac 等等。在这样一个框架下,你认为企业需要做出选择吗?Perplexity 在这个生态中如何定位?Aravind ...
| 很久之前,我一直在找一款Mac的翻译工具,我希望它可以在我任何需要它的时候,快速唤起然后进行翻译。有点类似Mac的Spotlight。 但最后试了很多产品,也使用过Alfred的一些插件,但最后都不尽人意,就放弃了,还是使用了谷歌翻译网站。 近些年AI的兴起,也有不少的相关产品的出现:ChatPGT、perplexity、文心一言、Kimi、豆...
Also:How to install Perplexity AI's app on Linux (I found an easier way) The new Windows app joins Perplexity's apps for the Mac, iOS, and Android, so you can now use it on any PC and mobile device. Though you may be accustomed to ChatGPT and other major AI servi...
Finally, start the app by runningnpm rum start Note: Using Docker is recommended as it simplifies the setup process, especially for managing environment variables and dependencies. See theinstallation documentationfor more information like updating, etc. ...
Mac: Use http://host.docker.internal:11434 Linux: Use http://<private_ip_of_host>:11434 Adjust the port number if you're using a different one. Linux Users - Expose Ollama to Network: Inside /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service, you need to add Environment="OLLAMA_HOST=". The...