Inmatesgreatlyoutnumbertheguards. 我得去医院部接你儿子 Ihavetogotothehospitalunittogetyourson. 你们去不了所以我会带他来见你们 Youcantgothere,soIllbringhimtoyou. 为了安全起见我最好把你们留在这儿 Foryoursafety,itsbestthatIplaceyouinhere 为了保护你们 foryourprotection. 这是警戒级别最低的牢房hearts;...
if someone was ready to pay 100 units for a perpetual license to use something, presumably they want to pay some fraction of that for a one-year subscription to use it. (I’ll call this F for fraction.) For the initial model,