late 15c.,perpendiculer, of a line, "lying at right angles to the horizon" (in astronomy, navigation, etc.), from an earlier adverb (late 14c.), "at right angles to the horizon," from Old Frenchperpendiculer, from Late Latinperpendicularis"vertical, as a plumb line," from Latinperpend...
The following is incomplete proof for the claim that a point on the perpendicular bisector of a line segment (other than the foot of the perpendicular bisector), along with the midpoint and the endpoints of the line segment, creates two congruent triangles: as shown in t...
解析 D Line is perpendicular to line . If the scope of is , then the slope of divided by the slope of equals . 直线与直线垂直,若的斜率是一个非零整数,则的斜率除以的斜率可能等于( ). . . . . 因为若的斜率为,则的斜率除以的斜率为. 故选....
Learn about perpendicular lines and the slope of a perpendicular line. Discover the equation of lines and how to find the slope of a perpendicular...
2. A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line. 一种一维线型晶体缺陷,形态上可是描述为晶体中存在的多余半原子面的末端附近区域所...
3. often Perpendicular Of or relating to a style of English Gothic architecture of the 1300s and 1400s, characterized by the use of fan vaulting and broad windows with many mullions. adv. In a perpendicular position. n. 1. Mathematics A line or plane perpendicular to a given line or plan...
We made two slits for the eyes and a perpendicular line for the nose.(我们划了两道缝儿做眼睛,一条竖线做鼻子。) And the force is perpendicular to the arm.(力是垂直于杆。) The wall is a little out of the perpendicular.(墙壁有点倾斜。) In other words, it's perpendicular to the...
Slope of Perpendicular Lines: Negative ReciprocalsThe slopes of perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals of each other. Thus, the slope of a line perpendicular to a given line is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the given line.
how to determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular when given their slopes, how to find the equation of a line given a point on the line and a line that is parallel or perpendicular to it, how to find parallel or perpendicular lines using Standa
Perpendicular lines have the property that the product of their slopes is −1.Mathematically, we say if a line has slope m1 and another line has slope m2 then the lines are perpendicular ifm1× m2= −1In the example at right, the slopes of the lines are 22 and −0.5−0.5 and...