We calculated the quality factor, Qc, at frequencies from 6 to 24 Hz using coda waves of 97 aftershocks of the Petatlan, Mexico, earthquake (March 14, 1979; MS=7.6). The data were recorded parallel (between Acapulco and Playa Azul) and perpendicular (between Petatlan and Mexico City) ...
Computer-drawn diagrams of the boundaries between quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel areas of Earth's bow shock are displayed for a few selected cone angles of static interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The effect on the boundary of variable IMF in the foreshock is also discussed and shown...
The data are presented graphically and briefly characterized. The waves induced by the parallel injections are found to be much weaker than those induced by the perpendicular injections. In addition to the expected response to the Ar beam, an ion flux at pitch angle 90 deg was detected during ...
The first step of the migration is performed within the perpendicular plane, and the second step of migration is the spatial migration of the side waves. 第一步偏移的实质是在铅垂平面内完成偏移归位,第二步偏移是在空间内完成侧面波的空间归位。 Or add transparent graphics with computed transparencie...
Plasma wavesDrift wavesAcoustic wavesDrift wave instabilitiesPerpendicular electron dynamics and the associated collisions are discussedin relation to the collisional drift wave instability. In addition, the limitof small parallel wave numbers of this instability is studied and it is shownto yield a ...
Shouldnt the aerial be in perpendicular orientation for all em waves? including radio homeworkhelpls Thread Feb 11, 2023 Tags AntennaPerpendicular Replies: 27 Forum:Classical Physics P IParallel and perpendicular components I first tried to use a method based on Gram Schmidt orthogonalization method:...
The netting shall be mounted such that the bars run parallel and perpendicular to the length of the cod-end. EurLex-2 There are additionally at least two pedestal elements connected to the base element which are each rotatable about a rotation axis perpendicular to the transport plane. patents...
The magnetoresistance ratios along the parallel and perpendicular axes of nanowires are 23.4% and 7.2% respectively. This novel approach promises to be of strong interest for subsequent fabrication of phase-locked arrays of spin transfer nano-oscillators with increased output power for microwave ...
Both the linearly and left-hand polarized pump Alfven waves are considered in the paper. For the linearly polarized pump Alfven wave, either a parallel or obliquely propagating wave can lead to the decay along the perpendicular direction. Initially, the parametric decay takes place along the ...
英语翻译because shear waves are polarized ,in each location of the probe make two measurements with the plane of polarization in the second measurement perpendicular to the first measurement and parallel to one side of the block .therefore for ea