Walton K & Fulton B (1983). Hydrogen peroxide as a source of molecular oxygen for in vitro mammalian CNS preparations. Brain Res 278, 387–393. Wilhelm J, Vankova M, Maxova H & Siskova A (2003). Hydrogen peroxide production by alveolar macrophages is increased and its concentration is el...
Although the results obtained using this method are generally assumed to reflect the actual level of peroxides, our experience points to the possibility of artifacts when analyzing complex mixtures. Firstly, colored solutions can have basic absorbance at the analytical wavelength used, which may ...
The method is concerned with fluid masses rather than spatial points in the computational domain. The idea is to track the motion of each mass throughout the flow and record each physical quantity and its change at each moment and each spatial point of each mass. The droplet equation can be...