A brace may be used to reduce swelling and immobilize the tendon. Elevate. Elevate the leg to where your foot is positioned above the heart to help reduce swelling. This practice can easily be implemented during rest or sleep. Peroneal Tendonitis Brace Your doctor may prescribe an ankle brace...
Acute peroneal tendon tear: Extreme pain indicative of more than a sprainThe patient's injury was initially diagnosed as a simple ankle sprain, but worsening pain and tendeGray, PatrickJAAPA
The triple injury of ankle synovitis, ankle instability, and peroneal tendon tear can be termed the Lateral Ankle Triad. While it is common to find each of these specific injuries individually, they are often found in combination. 关键词: Ankle Instability Synovitis Lateral ankle triad DOI: ...
Peroneal tendon instabilityTransosseus suturePeroneus longus tendon (PLT) dislocation associated with inferior peroneal retinaculum (IPR) tear is an extremely rare injury. Only 6 cases are described in English literature to date, and its diagnosis is always delayed from the initial trauma. Swelling ...
teartendonitisPurpose of review: The understanding of peroneal tendon pathology continues to evolve. Within the last year, several publications have highlighted these clinical problems. A cogent management approach has boen developed; however, gaps in the knowledge base exist. Recent clinical and ...
Update on diseases and treatment of the peroneal tendon, including peroneal tendon tear, subluxing peroneal tendon, and tendonosisSteensma, M. R.Anderson, J. G.Bohay, D. R.CURRENT OPINION IN ORTHOPAEDICS
peroneal tendonperoneus brevissplittingsubluxationteartendonitisTreatment outcomes continue to improve. Emphasis rests on the timely and accurate identification of peroneal disorders, particularly in the setting of concomitant lateral ankle conditions. Missed lesions can result in a frustrating treatment scenario...