Conclusions Ultrasound and MRI have good accuracy, and introducing imaging in the standard diagnostic workup should be considered. Further research should focus on the role of EDX in prognostication. No recommendation on the optimal treatment strategy of peroneal nerve entrapment can be made, ...
Superficial peroneal nerve anatomic variability changes surgical technique. Entrapment of the superficial peroneal nerve is an uncommon occurrence in the setting of sports trauma or fracture/dislocation as the nerve comes under pre... GD Rosson,AL Dellon - 《Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery》 被引...
Based on an electrodiagnostic study and MRI of the knee that revealed compression of nerves, a case of asymptomatic Baker's cyst was confirmed. Only a few cases of Baker's cyst causing nerve compression have been reported in the literature [3], [4], [7], and in these cases, the cyst...
Peroneal disease is best imaged withMRI. The modality is used to confirm tenosynovitis, partial or complete peronealtendon rupture, peroneal tendon subluxation or dislocation, integrity of the superior peroneal retinaculum, the competency oflateral ankle ligaments, and the internal derangement of the ankl...
Electrophysiology studies and MRI are typically ordered in an attempt to confirm the diagnosis, but these studies can often be normal despite symptoms. The diagnosis of SPN entrapment almost always comes after a workup for chronic lateral exertional compartment syndrome as these 2 entities may ...
anatomy, biceps femoris muscle, common peroneal nerve, neuropathyRationale:The anatomical variant of the distal biceps femoris muscle with regard to common peroneal nerve entrapment neuropathy (CPNe) was suggested through magnetic resonance images (MRI) study.Jeong-Hyun Park...
Daghino W, Pasquali M, Faletti C (1997) Superficial peroneal nerve entrapment in a young athlete: the diagnostic contribution of MRI. J Foot Surg 36:170–172Daghino W, Pasquali M, Faletti C: Superficial peroneal nerve entrapment in a young athlete: the diagnostic contribution of magnetic ...
After confirmation of nerve entrapment by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an early exploration to decompress the involved nerve eventually resulted in the recovery of neurological function. In addition, an all-inside technique using a FasT-Fix suture device was used as an effective and safe ...