But the state of co-belligerence declared lulled the king, the government and generals into a false sense of security that led them to assume that they would now be free to re-deploy their units on the battlefield alongside the Allies. In reality, the authorities of the Kingdom of the ...
In the meantime, Japanese authorities dispatched troops to Shantung under the pretext of protecting the lives and property of Japanese nationals. Later, during April and May 1928, the National Revolutionary Army reached Shantung again. Again the Revolutionary Army encountered resistance from the Chihli-...
With a goal of bringing decision-making closer to the community, there has been a commitment to public participation in planning by some health authorities. Women, however, often feel that their participation is minimal or their needs are not addressed. During regionalization of the Alberta health...
The impetus behind this emigration is still not clearly established, although almost all of it took place under the British Imperial umbrella, and it was often encouraged by the Imperial authorities. Many Sikhs were recruited into the British Indian Army, and many former soldiers subsequently ...
It became impossible for the Arab entrepreneurial class to compete in the new economic fields conquered by Zionist capital and protected by the Mandatory authorities bringing the Arab commerce and industry to a peripheral status. In contrast to rural areas that suffered from worsening hardships, Haifa...
Occasional terrorist acts can be laid to the Apparat, which, although prosecuted vigorously by Weimar authorities, scarcely constituted a serious revolutionary threat. The most important function of the Apparat was to control the Communist rank and file itself through surveillance of party members, ...
Their struggle and their lessons are outlined. The author does not usually write about footnotes, but he wrote this article during a trip to Iraq and lacked his reference library. Needless to say, he drew on his knowledge about the war and the knowledge he gained from noted authorities on ...
article illustrates how stereotypes of Spanish usurpation were established at the beginning of the nineteenth century, both in the scholarly and popular literature, and demonstrates that, in the Spanish Netherlands, there was no 'absolutism' or 'occupation' on the part of the Habsburg authorities. ...