Ticks. Mosquitoes. Biting Flies (Deer flies, Horse flies, whatever you call those nasty vampire flying biting things in your locale). Chiggers (thankfully that’s not a big thing where I live, but I know it’s quite nasty in the south). ‘No-See-Ums’. Mites, and other nasties. I...
It is carried by ticks, most commonly known the deer tick. It is highly treatable in the early stages but if left undetected it can cause serious long term disabilities such as joints, severe headaches, and abnormal heart beat. Ticks can also transmit Rocky mountain spotted fever, Colorado ...
Ticks also reside on deer (that is how they got their name), so limiting deer populations can limit the number of ticks. This was successful on Monhegan Island in Maine. However, what works in a highly-confined space, like an island, does not work as well in open country. Deer are hi...
Visitor and employee complaints about deer tick bites or ticks found on skin and clothing had been attributed to the site before treatment, but not thereafter. We confirmed the efficacy of Damminix for reduction of the abundance of vector ticks and thereby contributed to the protection of humans...