下载百度汉语App 名师好课免费看 Permeability 百科释义 报错 permeability,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“渗透性;透磁率,导磁系数;弥漫”。 查看百科 注:百科释义来自于百度百科,由网友自行编辑。© Baidu 使用百度前必读 百度首页 问题反馈 商务合作 关注微博 ...
必应词典为您提供permeability的释义,n. 渗透性;渗蚀度;【航】(气球气体的)透出量;【物】磁导率; 网络释义: 通透性;渗透率;导磁率;
相似单词 permeability n. 浸透性,可透性,导磁性 cyclic(al)permeability 正常磁导率 semi permeability 半透气性 amphi permeability 两透性 air permeability 透气度(性) 最新单词 inwall的意思 内壁; 内衬墙 inwale是什么意思及用法 内护舷纵材 invulnerable的中文解释 a. 1.不会受伤害的,刀枪不入...
2.(General Physics) a measure of the response of a medium to a magnetic field, expressed as the ratio of the magnetic flux density in the medium to the field strength; measured in henries per metre. Symbol:μSee alsorelative permeability,magnetic constant ...
磁导率,英文名称:magnetic permeability,表征磁介质磁性的物理量。表示在空间或在磁芯空间中的线圈流过电流后,产生磁通的阻力或是其在磁场中导通磁力线的能力。其公式μ=B/H 、其中H=磁场强度、B=磁感应强度,常用符号μ表示,μ为介质的磁导率,或称绝对磁导率。简介 磁导率μ等于磁介质中磁感应强度B与磁场强度H...
在电学中,permeability指的是介质对磁场的相对响应程度,是一个无量纲量。而在流体力学中,permeability是描述介质内流体渗透能力的一个物理量,单位为米/秒(m/s)。 总结来说,permeance主要用于电学中描述电磁场的通过能力,而permeability则主要用于描述材料或介质的渗透性能或磁场响应程度。
Things that arepermeablehave different levels ofpermeability.For example, certain materials may easily absorb liquid, while others may only allow small amounts of liquid to permeate their surface. The wordpermeabilityis used in several more specific ways in the context of ships, aircraft, electricity...
With a combination of Fick's and Henry's laws, the permeability constant (P) can be defined as: P=Q·LA·t·Δp where Q represents the amount of gas passing through the film, L is the average film thickness, A is the permeation area, t is the permeation time, and Δp is the ...
The meaning of PERMEABILITY is the quality or state of being permeable.