BHeMatrix said: I'm answering this old reply for anyone who needs to know how to permanently set affinity without a shortcut file. Download System Explorer from this link Thanks a lot, that System Explorer has let me finally set perma
How to permanently set cpu affinity for programs? Using the command "wmic process where name="mspaint.exe" CALL setpriority128" would set paint to a high priority but what if i want to set the affinity of paint, is there a command for program affinity? If not i know process hacker suppo...
does not add any new tabs into task manger, after setting affinity with the save option checked and rebooting it’s still showing all 4 cpu’s checked. Shaunsays: August 22, 2014 at 1:57 pm I have a a way of starting a program in a specific priority in windows 7 and 8 and it ta...