✅ How can i reduce CPU utilization from AITool service or stop this procces permanently. This...:How can i reduce CPU utilization from AITool service or stop this procces permanently. This procces causes above 90 % CPU usage...
It enables you to shut down the computer at a desired set time automatically. Additionally, you can set it to shut down the computer in other situations such as system idle, excessive CPU usage, or low battery. The software also allows you to log off, restart, and lock the computer autom...
While this feature helps in many ways, it can also slow down your site drastically. Heartbeat API sends AJAX requests to the server every 15 seconds using “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. “ This can generate high CPU usage on your server. Now, if you are on a shared hosting server and c...
echo 300000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed ...thermal issue? Optic probe measured 40C normal, 45C hiccuping. Pretty low. When the audio chops the ssh connection slows severely as well. Used the following to reduce load-based hiccuping but does not reduce the clo...