Permanent Resident Card Renewal Form I-90 What is the I-90 Application? The Form I-90 application is used by permanent residents of the United States to replace or renew their Permanent Resident Cards. Conditional permanent residents must use a different process to replace an I-90 that has ex...
Form DS-117, Application to Determine Returning Resident Status (SB-1 returning resident visa) Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Requests Request copies of your alien file (A-file) from USCIS ...
Please visit theUSCIS websitefor more information. What happens if my green card expires? Up to 6 months prior to the expiration date of your alien registration card, you may apply for a renewal of the card by filing Form I-90 (application to replace perma...
residentpermanentapplicaioncarduscisreplace Page1of13FormI-90Instructions06/30/15Y InstructionsforApplicationtoReplace PermanentResidentCard DepartmentofHomelandSecurity U.S.CitizenshipandImmigrationServices USCIS FormI-90 OMBNo.1615-0082 Expires10/31/2017 Thisapplicationisusedbylawfulpermanentresidentsandpermanentresi...
USCIS can revoke permanent resident status if they ever learn of a misrepresentation or lie that helped you obtain a green card. Even if you've been granted status as a permanent resident, USCIS can revoke it when the underlying basis of the application is fraudulent. ...