On 30th October,China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zonereleased a notice on initiating the application process for the evaluation and recommendation letter of the points assessment for2024 foreign innovative and entrepreneurial talent in...
The Maltese Permanent Residence Scheme was an attractive residence scheme available to EU and non-EU nationals
In this article, we are going to guide you through everything you must know about permanent residence in Thailand, including requirements, procedure, cost, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and how to prepare yourself. If you want to apply in 2025, the application window normally opens bet...
Utimately, we believe that the Malta Permanent Residence Program is mostly suitable for those looking to actually live in Malta and effectively settle down there. That said, there is no physical presence requirement, making it an ideal option as a Plan B second residence for those exploring expa...
| 今天,我们要聊的是近期移民圈内极为热议的话题——马耳他MPRP(Malta Permanent Residence Programme)即将涨价!尽管马耳他只是一个地中海小国,但在全球移民市场中却占据着不容忽视的地位。 最近,马耳他MPRP费用上调的消息引发了广泛关注。不过,这里有个重要信息:只要在2024年12月31日前提交申请,仍可按照现行标准执行...
At Arton Capital, we pride ourselves on navigating the complex landscape of global residency and citizenship programs. With a deep understanding of Malta’s market and an unmatched track record, we are committed to delivering tailored solutions that ensure a seamless and successful application process...
a. Application: Expats seeking permanent residence in China can submit applications in person or through their parents on behalf of unmarried children under 18 or authorized proxy. Applications need to be submitted to the municipal-level public security authorities at the city where the main investmen...
II. Procedures for investors to apply for permanent residence in China: 二、投资人员申请中国永久居留办事手续: 1. Investors (principal applicants) need to submit the following documents: 1.投资人员(主申请人)需提交下列材料: (1) Fill in the "Application Form for Permanent Residence of Aliens in ...
If the applicant is not in China mainland, he/ she can apply for a D visa in the Chinese embassy/ consulate by providing an official application letter issued by Ministry of Public Security. He/she has to change D visa to a 10-year Permanent Residence Permit within 30 days of arrival. ...
Nov 2024 Will Time Spent In Prison In Hong Kong Break Continuity Of Ordinary Residence For The Purposes Of A Right Of Abode Application After 7 Years? Feature Article,No responsesThis article deals with the question of whether time spent in prison in Hong Kong wil... 5Oct 2024 Hong Kong ...