Permanent partial disability is paid to workers based on their disability ratings. According to the Social Security Administration, permanent partial disability cases are the most common type of disability case. Over half of all disability cases are a permanent partial disability claim. The amount you...
Permanent partial disability (PPD) refers to a condition when a worker injured at work suffers a disability that renders him or her permanently unable to perform regular job duties. The PPD amount paid is compensation for the worker’s diminished ability to earn. Though the worker can work, th...
And if there isn’t anything else the doctor can do to make you any better, your disability will be “permanent,” meaning you will suffer the effect of the injury from that point on. That disability will either be “total” meaning you are unable to perform any work, or “partial” ...
Insurance companies classify disability according to the amount of work that an individual is able to perform. Temporary disabilities prevent an individual from working full-time (called temporary partial disability) or at all for a period of time (called temporary total disability). Permanent disabili...
Workers Compensation and Social Security Retirement BenefitsWorkers Compensation and Unemployment BenefitsWorkers Compensation Disability BenefitsWorkers Compensation and Total Disability BenefitsWorkers Compensation Temporary Disability BenefitsWorkers Compensation Partial Disability Benefits Workers Compensation Permanent ...