Biagio Granata is a young cutter who set up his own operation a few years ago. Unfortunately, while clearly a good cutter, he suffered from a lack of consistency in visits to London, in execution of styles, and a lack of English.The suit he made for me had a decent jacket, but I n...
Mother Nature can also be dangerous. This summer, wildfires burned through Spain, floods devastated parts of the Midwest, and a huge hail storm blew through Mexico. As global warming continues, these kinds of events are likely to become more common, although they may not become more predictable...
Coined in the 1980s and added to the dictionary in 1990,McMansioncaught on in the late 1990s to describe the phenomenon ofhome-size growthto an average of more than 2,000 square feet in 1990. Large-scalemanufacturingoflithium-ion batteriesbegan in the early 1990s for phones, laptops and ot...
This approach is getting a great response from customers who like the convenience of online but also value the relationship and interaction with knowledgeable financial advisors at different points in their lives where and when financial needs arise. Overlaying behavioural information is also crucial. So...
first began building service stations in California in 1915, they found a need for a more commercial logo. So the company switched to a brighter, more cartoonish version of their now-famous Pecten shell. The colors red and yellow were chosen because of California's close connections to Spain....
[86] pointed out that COVID-19 cases related to transport means and hubs are a key factor in the spread of the pandemic. Linka et al. [87] suggested that unrestricted mobility would greatly accelerate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in central Europe, Spain, and France...