ThePermanent Mission of Germanytothe United Nationspresents its compliments to the Division for Ocean Affairs and the [...] 德国常驻联合国代表团向法律事务厅海洋事务和海洋法司致意,并谨请求将 所附文件作为缔约国会议的文件分发给《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国为...
leading totheresolutionofthepermanent statusissues. 在国际会议结束时的总结性发言中,组织者注 意到,与会者呼吁双方在商定的时间框架内立即恢 复谈判,以解决永久地位问题。 ...
中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表团(PERMANENT MISSION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA TO T) 联系电话:0041-22-8795678 网站地址:进入网上办事大厅 办公地址:11 CHEMIN DE SURVILLE, 1213 PETIT-LANCY, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND 办公时间:工作日 8:30-12:00;14:00-17:00 English website:数据...
We found that SHC016, which is one of two non-targeting shRNA controls for the MISSION (commercialized TRC) library, exerts deleterious effects that lead to elimination of the shRNA-coding cassette from the genomes of cultured murine and human cells. Here, we used a lentiviral vector with ...
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland [...] 古巴驻联合国日 内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表团谨借此机会再次向人权 理事会秘书处致最崇高的敬意。 The Permanent Mission ...
In addition, the military navy has shown interest in this technology as a means of propelling ships. The choice of the propulsion system for modern naval vessels depends on criteria such as changes in operational requirements, shock resistance, noise reduction, greater speed range, greater mission ...
The goal of this project is to take the device into practical use in the VSANS at the CSNS. Keywords: magnetic neutron focusing; sextupole permanent magnet lens; nested rotate sextupole permanent magnet (Nest-Rot-SPM) lens; spallation neutron source; very small angle neutron scattering (VSANS...