aChina Europe International Business School in Shanghai (1999); the Republic of Korea Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York (1999); College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati (1999); Roman L. Hruska United States Courthouse in Omaha, NE (2000), Friend Center...
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the United Nations [...] 大韩民国常驻联合国(维也纳)代表 团 向 联 合国 毒品 和犯罪问题办公室致 意,并谨依照预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第 19/3 号决议,转交 2011 ...
Inthatregard,the Permanent MissionofEcuador to the United Nations would be very grateful if the present note verbale [...] 谨请将此普通照会及其附件作为理事会临时议程项目 2(c)下的文件分发为 荷。
P Johnson offer two standard lapel widths, of which this is a slightly widened version of the narrow one. And with MTM you can't start re-drawing the lapel line - the changes have to be regulated enough to be fed through a system back to the factory. It's for this reason that I f...
‘shell’ jacket, which is a little lighter and in-line with more modern streetwear, but still has its place. In the 80s pure nylon shells started to become the standard across all models; these are still fine and have some lovely colours, but lose a bit of the charm of the earlier ...
"In my opinion, having the opportunity to practice the guru yoga of the great holy being Lama Tsongkhapa, is more fortunate than having the chance to receive The Minister and Shin Boonam,Deputy Permanent Representativeofthe Republic of Korea to the United Nations, responded [...] 部长和大韩民国常驻联合国副代表申富南对审查人提出的意见和问题做了 答复。
to a resident of the area. 如果已知一个人或一名家庭成员曾做出有利于以色列国利益的行为,该项 法律规定,内政部部长和某些安全官 员有 权 对该 地区居民收入许可证。 [...] holding permanent identity cards of the Region, to serve as p...
around the world, influencing the Canadian delegation and Permanent Mission by NCWC in the drafting of outcome documents, and [...] 对联合国的影响是,与来自全 世界其他许多非政府组织的代表共享信息,在起草成果文件时加拿大全国妇女理 事会对加拿大代表团和常驻代表团施 加 影响...