The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations's role is to represent the Maldives at the United Nations.
ThePermanent Mission of Germanytothe United Nationspresents its compliments to the Division for Ocean Affairs and the [...] 德国常驻联合国代表团向法律事务厅海洋事务和海洋法司致意,并谨请求将 所附文件作为缔约国会议的文件分发给《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国为...
Inthatregard,the Permanent Missionofthe Republic of Indonesia has the further honour to transmit an aide memoire containing [...] 在这方面,根据大会第 60/251 号决议,印度尼西亚共和国常驻代表团谨转递一份备忘录,内载印度尼西亚的自愿许诺和承诺(见附件)。
"The mission of the Tribunals is to promote universal and effective respect of fundamental rights of peoples, minorities and individuals; and work for the generation of law that protect those rights" (TPP Capitulo Mexico, 2012a).4 In so doing, the Tribunals qualify situations in legal terms ...
The Dragon Returns: Canada in China's Quest for Energy Security "China's continuous economic growth over the past 30 years has created a huge demand for energy and resources, and Beijing's quest for energy security will continue in the coming years and decades. Chinese energy companies have ...
UN-2 Haitians sought political asylum or permanent resident status in many countries such as the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, France, Dominican Republic and Canada (primarily Montreal). 海地人在許多國家如美國,墨西哥,波多黎各,法國,多米尼加共和國和加拿大(主要是蒙特利爾)尋求政治庇護或永久居民...
译文示例:These policies and measures included the permanent cover programme (Canada); support for afforestation of unused agricultural areas (Czech Republic); and reforestation (Spain ↔ 这些政策和措施包括永久覆盖方案(加拿大);支持在未使用的农业地区开展造林(捷克共和国);以及再造林(西班牙)。 permanent...
Cells transduced with a control lentiviral vector produce shRNAs that influence miRNA processing machinery and possibly other cellular processes according to non-specific effects triggered by gene-targeting shRNAs. This control should be used as a reference for all experimental results. The MISSION ... Prior to his election,heserved asDeputyPermanent Representativeinhis country’s Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 当选前,他是本国 驻北大西洋公约组织代表团副常驻代表。
However, NATO-EU cooperation and the increase of defense spending across European Allies and Canada will be the main topics in the two-day meeting agenda asHigh Representative-Vice President Federica Mogheriniis also going to participate in the discussions. ...