Permanent residents in caravan parks, managers and the persistance of the social. Health Sociology Review. 15(2), 221-231.Newton, J. (2006) `Permanent Residents in Caravan Parks; Managers and the Persistence of the Social', Health Sociology Review 15 (2): 221-231. . Purdon Associates (...
Until recently, permanent residents in caravan parks were often absent from discussions about homelessness and housing in the Australian context. When permanent residency was recognised and legislated for in the 1980s, efforts were made to ensure scope for standard community infrastructure such as roads...
Interviews with 10 managers and 50 residents from outer metropolitan and rural Victorian caravan parks reveal particular social patterns. 'Propinquity', or close living, and 'permeability' resulting from the thin walls in caravan park living, give rise to enhanced exposure to the environment and ...
Permanent residents in caravan parks, managers and the persistence of the socialdoi:10.5172/hesr.2006.15.2.221Janice Newton
Permanent Residency in Caravan Parks: Alternative and Acceptable Housing for Some1Although emblematic of a type of homelessness (Chamberlain 2005; Wensing et al. 2003), making...Newton, JaniceSocial AlternativesSocial Alternatives
{NATIONAL PARKS EVICTS PERMANENTS} {Woody Head Eviction}; after 30 Years Woody Head Caravaners Told to Pack UpRead the full-text online article and more details about {NATIONAL PARKS EVICTS PERMANENTS} {Woody Head Eviction}; after 30 Years Woody Head Caravaners Told to Pack Up....