It’s also possible to get a Green Card through humanitarian programs, by winning the diversity visa lottery, and from individual filing. US permanent residents are eligible to pursue citizenship. What are the Green Card Eligibility Rules?
aif the visa office determines that you do not meet the residency obligation , are there humanitarian and compassionate considerations that would justify the retention of your permanent resident status?if applicable , also include humanitarian and compassionate considerations relating to the best interests...
Question 11 deals with evidence for applying on humanitarian & compassionate grounds, while Question 12 deals with what additional supporting documents an unaccompanied minor (under 16 years of age) needs to be able to travel without both or without one parent. So, remember. Gather each completed...
If you are the holder of a Record of Landing (IMM 1000) If you do not have a permanent resident card and you are the holder of an Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000) issued by the Government of Canada, you should carry your original Record of ...