更多内容,可以查看Using Permalinks。 二、wordpress 404错误 虽然,通过设置后,日志和其他链接都修改了,但是当通过这些链接访问时, 却是404错误,显示找不到页面,造成了WordPress页面无法访问的错误。 错误原因是,真正的页面链接没有修改,仍然是/?p=n,但是因为我们设置了新的格式, 所以wordpress对我们的请求进行了重定...
我已经通过example.com/%location%/%postname%/ in Settings >> Permalinks的CPT UI插件和“自定义结构”创建了名为"location“的自定义分类法下面是CPT插件用来注册新分类"location“的代码。当"rewrite"设置为True时,单个post没有错误,但是在页面中遇到404。感谢你的帮助!非 浏览0提问于2019-06-20得票数...
如果使用宝塔作为服务器管理的可以通过以下方式修复: wordpress官方的伪静态是通过.htaccess实现的,但nginx并不支持.htaccess,所以要在宝塔后台设置伪静态。 登录宝塔后台,点击左侧“网站”,选择你要调整的网站,点击“设置”,弹窗后在弹窗上点击‘配置文件’(如下图),在配置文件中添加下图红框中的代码。 代码: locatio...
I’m attempting to change the permalink settings within Wordpress, but when I change it from the default to ‘post name’ I get the following error: “If your .htaccess file were writable, we could do this automatically, but it isn’t so these are the mod_rewrite rules you should have ...
All of these options are easy to choose in the WooCommerce Permalink Manager settings: 6. Misc WordPress permalink extras you need WooCommerce Permalink Manager has you covered for any miscellaneous permalink extras you need, including adding a suffix to all your permalinks, such as .HTML. You ca...
One site I have uses the post ID as the post link. With the change in 6.6, it no longer shows the post ID, but instead shows the post slug. The permalink settings are ignored. Another site prefixes the post ID ahead of the slug (123-post-title) and the link shown is only the po...
导致404错误的另一个原因是,每当注册新的post类型时,就必须在WordPress中“刷新”重写规则。这可以通过转到Settings > Permalinks并单击保存按钮(在本文的第一节中提到)来完成。 如果您正在处理带有注册帖子类型的自定义主题或插件,您可能需要考虑在最终用户激活主题或插件时自动刷新重写规则,以防止任何404错误。下面是您...
Auto-generate Permalinks for PostTypes, Taxonomies and Attachments as per your desired structure defined in Settings. Permalink can also be changed manually or automatically using Regenerate Permalink button from the edit page. It can also be re-generated using Bulk Action. url wordpress wordpress-plu...
Let’s understand how this works: WordPress doesn’t keep track of old URLs and automatically redirect them to new ones. Instead, when you change any default WordPress or WooCommerce permalink settings,WordPressusespartial match redirectionwhere it tries to guess the correct URL when an incorrect ...
Instead, consider using a shorter structure like the post name option in your WordPress settings. This helps youemphasize your keywordto the search engine you’re trying to rank on, and it achieves the ultimate goal of a shorter URL.