As the frozen ground warms much faster than expected, it’s reshaping the landscape—and releasing carbon gases that fuel global warming.
3 in Supplementary Material) has also been used as a proxy for paleo salinity to infer freshening episodes driven by changes in the cryosphere53,55. More recently, the MeC37:4 alkenone has also been identified in Isochrysidales algae associated with sea ice56, while the Arctic strain of Gep...
In particular, the accuracy of the latest two maps has been improved by using remote sensing data. However, from the perspective of current knowledge and data accumulation, these existing permafrost maps have two weaknesses. First, the classification systems used in these maps are based on the ...
permafrost proxies observable from space: surface water extent has been decreasing across the Arctic; the landsurface is subsiding continuously in some regions indicating ground ice melt; hot summers triggered increased subsidence as well as thaw slumps; rock glaciers are accelerating in some mountain ...