jimyokl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:Reputation: 5Edit I just started learning Perl for several days.I sow some codes below, what is the type of $data, is it array or a hash? There are so many nests. Thanks. ...
PerlMonks graciously bestowed by Tim Vroom. PerlMonks went on a couple dates, and then decided to shack up with The Perl Foundation. Donate to TPF! Wonderful Web Servers and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Built with the Perl programming language. ...
BUILD_NOISY => 1, ; use Inline C => <<'EOC'; SV* is_ok(SV* val) { if(SvPOK(val)) croak("String value encountered"); if(SvIOK(val)) { IV iv = SvIVX(val); if(SvIsUV(val)) return newSVuv(iv); return newSViv(iv); } if(SvNOK(val)) { NV nv = SvNVX(val); return...
Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | Japanese Warrior Monks AD 949-1603 by Stephen TurnbullStephen Turnbull is the world's leading English language authority on medieval Japan and samurai warfare. He has travelled extensively in the Far East, particularly in Japan and Korea and is ...
jimyoklhas asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Reputation: 5 Edit I just started learning Perl for several days.I sow some codes below, what is the type of $data, is it array or a hash? There are so many nests. Thanks. ...
The beautiful spiral shells of these long-extinct marine invertebrates are among the most sought after and recognizable of fossils, yet little has been published about ammonites outside of geological journals. Neale Monks and Philip Palmer look at the latest ideas on ammonite biology and ecology ...