PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP DATA PRIBADI NASABAH PINJAMAN ONLINE (STUDI DI OVO)doi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i2.14770In online loan services, there are many problems regarding disseminating personal data by online loan providers without notifying or asking permission ...
This research aims to find out and analyze the legal review of personal data protection, understand the scope of personal data, and examine the criminal liability of perpetrators who disseminate personal data. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method. T...
PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI NASABAH TERHADAP KEAMANAN DATA PRIBADI NASABAH DALAM LAYANAN INTERNET BANKINGProtection of the law for customers against data on internet service banking, because in practice the internet service banking is one of delivery channels service banking...
ANALISIS DISKURSIF NILAI BERITA PERLINDUNGAN DATA PRIBADI PADA DETIK.COM DAN KOMPAS.COMdoi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i9.16380The Discursive News Values Analysis (DNVA) approach is used to understand and analyze news values in mass media, the focus is on how ...
In the event of data leakage or theft, users of fintech lending services who are disadvantaged can take legal remidies in the form of non-yudicial legal remidies and judicial legal remidies.Handayani, AmiliyaJurist-Diction
Sosialisasi Kesadaran Keamanan Siber dan Perlindungan Data Pribadi Bagi Warga di Kelurahan Pangkalan Jati, Kota Depokdoi:10.46799/jsa.v5i8.1494This community service activity (PKM) was held to organize socialization of cybersecurity awareness and personal data protection. Through this sociali...