sort(@array) Returns alphabetically sorted @array sort({$a<=>$b}, @array) Returns numerically sorted @array Hash Functions %hash = ( ); Defines an empty hash %hash = (a => 1, b=>2); Defines a hash with values $hash{$key} The value referred to by this $key $hash{$key} = ...
Perl 中输出 hash 和 array Perl中输出hash 的全部內容, 有以下几种方法: while(my ($key, $val) = each(%hash)) { print "$key $val" } %hash = qw / car 600k bike 70k /; print $_ , $hash{$_} , "\n" foreach (keys %hash); print "$_ $hash{$_}\n" foreach (keys %hash...
用split把它切块,然后用push 赋值给数组。
print "The value of third element of hash4 is $hash4{three}\n"; print "The value of third element of hash5 is $hash5{six}\n"; 以上程序运行结果为: The value of third element of hash3 is 9 The value of third element of hash4 is 3 The value of third element of hash5 is 666...
列表转hash:当列表成对时,可以将其转成hash,列表会被按'Key-Value'解析: my %hash = @result; # 或则直接用 map my %hash = map { ,3∗_ } @input_numbers; 有时候我们不关心键值,只关心是否有键存在,这时候可以如此: my %hash = map { person = 'Gilligan'; if ( Extra open brace or miss...
$ARRAY[++$#ARRAY] = $value; } but is more efficient. Returns the number of elements in the 返回推送完成后数组的长度。 array following the completed "push". Starting with Perl 5.14, "push" can take a scalar EXPR, which 从Perl5.14开始,push方法允许标量作为参数,标量必须是一个数组的引用。
Perl - Array to Hash C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 my $data = [ [11,12,13,14,15], [21,22,23,24,25] ]; my $column_ids = ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"]; # %h - {'C1'=>'x1', 'C2'=>'x2', 'C3'=>'x3', 'C5'=>'x4', 'C5'=>...
If you apply one of them to an array or a hash, it will convert the array or hash to a scalar value (the length of an array, or the population info of a hash) and then work on that scalar value. This is probably not what you meant to do. See "grep" in perlfunc and "map"...
NAME JSON - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder SYNOPSIS use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json. # simple and fast interfaces (expect/generate UTF-8) $utf8_encoded_json_text = encode_json $perl_hash_or_arrayref; $perl_hash_or_arrayref = deco...