$href = \%hash; # $href 保存着指向%hash的'引用' 当你把'引用'保存在类似 $aref 或 $href的变量中,你就可以象操作其他标量一样copy或保存它。 $xy = $aref; # $xy 现在保存了指向 @array 的'引用' $p[3] = $href; # $p[3] 现在保存了指向 %hash 的'引用' $z = $p[3]; # $z 现...
my (%hash)=@_; foreach $item (%hash) { print "Item : $item\n"; } } %hash=('name' => 'Tom', 'age' => 19); # Create a reference to above function. $cref =\&PrintHash; # Function call using reference. &$cref(%hash); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ...
1. $locGeneElem{ $loc } 这是一个hash , key 是 $loc, 很好懂, 他的value对应一个hash;2. ${ $locGeneElem{ $loc } }, 就在1 中的两边加上 ${}就可以了,这样一看就是 hash的结构,也就是 把1的value当成一个hash来看,那么新的key :$gene 放到后面就行了。所以见下3。3...
if (ref($r) eq "HASH") { print "r is a reference to a hash./n"; } unless (ref($r)) { print "r is not a reference at all./n"; } 举例 简单来说,就是如果一个变量是个引用,那ref就可以返回一个表示其实际引用对象的描述性字符串,否则就会返回空值。如果没有指定ref函数的参数,默认对...
we call them anonymous array and anoymous hash here, anonymous array or hash returns a reference directly. Thus we could see that $aref1 and $aref2($href1 and $href2) are actually equivalent, both of them arescalar. How do we use them? i guess that the most usual case is to use ...
Reference type in r : SCALAR Reference type in r : ARRAY Reference type in r : HASH 1234 循环参考 当两个引用包含对彼此的引用时,将发生循环引用。 创建引用时必须小心,否则循环引用可能会导致内存泄漏。 以下是一个例子 - #!/usr/bin/perl my $foo = 100; $foo = \$foo; print "Value of foo...
must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will 参数将被自动指向引用 be dereferenced automatically. This aspect of "push" is push的这个特性是实验性的,可能在未来的版本中被改变。 considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change ...
It can go into an element of an array or a hash, or into a plain scalar variable, like this: my $ref_to_skipper = \@skipper; Figure 4-5. The PeGS diagram for a reference In the PeGS notation, the reference is just a scalar, so its diagram looks like a scalar. However, in ...
Reference引用 Reference类似于C/C++的指针 $h_ref=\%h;#获得一个hash的reference%aHash=%{$h_ref};#把hashreference当成hash用$value=$h_ref->{akey}#这个和%h{akey}是一样的 传递Perl Hash到函数 一般都是传递一个reference到函数 %h=();$h{a}=1;foo(\%h)print$h{b},"\n";#打印出2。这个值...