In many examples you'll see the variable$_. This is a special Perl variable that holds the value of the element currently being processed. Perl array printing from Programming Perl In the terrific book,Programming Perl, the authors recommend another way to print the entire contents of an array...
2 pop @ARRAY 删除数组的最后一个值 3 shift @ARRAY 弹出数组第一个值,并返回它。数组的索引值也依次减一。 4 unshift @ARRAY, LIST 将列表放在数组前面,并返回新数组的元素个数。 实例 !/usr/bin/perl 创建一个简单是数组 @sites = ("google","baidu","taobao"); newsize=@sites;print"1.\@sites=...
To print the contents of a variable DB<1> p $variable To examine the contents of a variable DB<1> x $variable To have the debugger watch a variable or expression, and inform you whenever it changes DB<1>w$variable DB<1> wexpr($ess)*$ion To view where you are in the source code...
my @data1 = qw(one won); my @data2 = qw(two too to); push @data2, \@data1; push @data1, \@data2; # 将'[\@data1, \@data2]'冻结到'$frozen'中my $frozen = freeze [\@data1, \@data2]; # 解冻(恢复) my $array_all_ref = thaw($frozen); print Dumper($array_all_ref...
TABLE OF CONTENTS perlfaq1 - General Questions About Perl, perlfaq2 - Obtaining and Learning about Perl, perlfaq3 - Programming Tools, perlfaq4 - Data Manipulation, perlfaq5 - Files and Formats, perlfaq6 - Regular Expressions, perlfaq7 - General Perl Language Issues, perlfaq8 - System ...
getprint($url) Prints the contents of the URL on standard output, where the URL is specified by $url. The HTTP status code given by the server is returned by getprint( ). getstore($url, $file) Stores the contents of the URL specified by $url into a file named by $file. The HTTP...
print函数,不一定需要括号。几种情况:print$name(直接输出) ;print ‘$name’(基本不用,错误的,原样输出); print “$name”(有时会用,会自动替换); print 函数在做文件输入时(文件句柄),不能有逗号,只能用空格。 @_ 是函数传参时放置参数的数组,可以从中取实参;$_ 是默认参数的意思,指的是在不指定的情...
B::C - Moved over from googlecode. Contribute to rurban/perl-compiler development by creating an account on GitHub.
This module might be useful in development, if you have a problem accessing your server using an interactive session, so you can see the contents of the error_log file. But please don’t leave this line in the production version of your code. Instead, trap the errors and decide what to...
(my$ref=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {print"Got record with id=$$ref[0]\n"; }$sth->finish;$sth=$dbh->prepare('SELECT c1 FROM vendor WHERE c1 = ?')ordie$dbh->errstr();$sth->execute("test 1")ordie$dbh->errstr();while(my$ref=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {print"Got ...