Tooling to build and package releases for Perl on Windows. Perl 289 49 Public HTML 70 24 Portable Public Perl 21 8 build-extlibs Public C 17 11 psperl Public Manage Perl installations in your $env:HOMEPATH PowerShell 14 4 Portable-Dist Public Perl 11 ...
I am using Strawbery Perl and trying to apply the image::Magick package on Windows 11 OS but keep getting errors:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools>cpanm --force Image::Magick --> Working on Image::Magick Fetching
perl *.pl --server ip –username name –type host ##ESXi/ESX主机 对于windows环境变量这块的perl修改,建议安装ActivePerl来设置。效果会更好。 ActivePerl activerPerl下载地址:
What's new on CPAN - October 2024 Dec 3, 2024 byMathew Korica cpan new A curated look at October’s new CPAN uploads Read it Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl Nov 14, 2024 byOlaf Alders community Read it What's new on CPAN - September 2024 ...
#/user/bin/perl $string = 'The cat sat on the mat'; $string =~ tr/a/o/; print "$string\n"; 12345 执行上述程序时,会产生以下结果 - The cot sot on the mot. 12 也可以使用标准Perl范围,允许您通过字母或数值指定字符范围。 要更改字符串的大小写,可以使用以下语法代替uc函数。
That's it! Next time your computer boots, the Perl script be launched immediately, before anyone logs on. We encourage you to explore the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment. Perl script not working properly as a Windows Service?
How do I find which modules are installed on my system? How do I debug my Perl programs? How do I profile my Perl programs? How do I cross-reference my Perl programs? Is there a pretty-printer (formatter) for Perl? Is there a ctags for Perl? Is there an IDE or Windows Perl ...
Fix PerlEnv_putenv threaded compilation on Windows Jan 13, 2023 keywords.c Added __CLASS__ keyword, which yields the runtime class name of the i… Aug 2, 2023 keywords.h Added __CLASS__ keyword, which yields the runtime class name of the i… Aug 2, 2023 l1_char_class_tab.h fix...
由于GitHub Actions/Workflows使用的Windows容器已经预装了Strawberry Perl版本,因此它不允许您安装任何其他...
Windows InstallationHere are the steps to install Perl on Windows machine.Follow the link for the Strawberry Perl installation on Windows Download either 32bit or 64bit version of installation. Run the downloaded file by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer. This brings...