“lt”意为“小于,lessthan”; “gt”意为“大于,greaterthan”; “eq”意为“等于,equal”; “le”意为“小于等于,lessthanorequal”; “ge”意为“大于等于,greaterorequal”; “ne”意为“不等于,notequal”; “cmp”意为“比较,返回1,0,or-1,compare”。 可以看出来字符串的操作和数字的操作是相...
<= less than or equal >= greater than or equal 字符串比较运算符 eq equality ne inequality lt less than gt greater than le less than or equal ge greater than or equal (为什么我们有独立的数字和字符串比较?因为我们并没有特殊的变量类型,及Perl需要知道是否数值进行排序(其中99是小于100)或按字母...
使用if 和 else 语句: my $num = 3; if ($num > 5) { print "Number is greater than 5\n"; } else { print "Number is less than or equal to 5\n"; } 复制代码 使用if、elsif 和 else 语句: my $num = 5; if ($num > 5) { print "Number is greater than 5\n"; } elsif ($...
Perl支持if-else、while、for等常见的控制流语句。例如:if ($a>$b){ print "a is greater than b\n";} else { print "a is less than or equal to b\n";}while ($i< 10){ print $i."\n"; $i++;}for ($j=0;$j< 10;$j++){ print $j."\n";} 函数 在Perl中,...
助记法: less or equal infix before proto sub infix:<before>(Any, Any) returns Bool:D is assoc<chain> multi sub infix:<before>(Any, Any) multi sub infix:<before>(Real:D, Real:D) multi sub infix:<before>(Str:D, Str:D)
my $a = 10; my $b = 3; if ($a == $b) { print "a is equal to b\n"; } else { print "a is not equal to b\n"; } if ($a > $b) { print "a is greater than b\n"; } else { print "a is less than or equal to b\n"; } ...
Numeric String Meaning == eq equal != ne not equal < lt less than > gt greater than <= le less than or equal >= ge greater than or equal 左侧的操作符会按照数字的形式比较值,而右侧的(中间一列)会根据ASCII码表或者当前的位置比较值。
x<= y True if x is less than or equal to y. x>y True if x is greater than y. x>= y True if x is greater than or equal to y. x== y True if x is equal to y. x != y True if x is not equal to y. x ~ y True if the string x matches the regexp denoted by y...
le Returns True if the operand on the left is stringwise less than the operand on the right of the operator. Returns False otherwise. lt Returns True if the operand on the left is stringwise less than or equal to the operand on the right of the operator. Returns False otherwise. ...
# 条件语句示例 my $number = 10; if ($number > 20) { print "Number is greater than 20\n"; } elsif ($number == 10) { print "Number is 10\n"; } else { print "Number is less than or equal to 20\n"; } 循环语句 Perl支持多种循环语句,包括while、for和foreach。 # while...