I am trying to install a debug version of perl 5.32.0 on Windows 10, using MSYS2. $ wget https://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.32.0.tar.gz $ tar zxvf perl-5.32.0.tar.gz $ cd perl-5.32.0.tar.gz $ sh Configure -de -Dprefix=$HOME/myperl -DDEB...
Install Python, you could do this in a separate directory, but here's what I recommend. Go to d:\Zope and delete the bin directory. Then install python into d:\Zope\bin. You will have a Zope installation that looks like normal, but will be more powerful. This also means we don't ...
MySQL Installation Guide / Perl Installation Notes / Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows 13.2 Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows On Windows, you should do the following to install the MySQL DBD module with ActiveState Perl: Get ActiveState Perl from http://www.activestate.com/Products/...
Once there, testing your Perl installation is very similar to testing on a windows system with one extra step. In order toexecutethe program, you must first tell the operating system that the file is OK to execute. This is done by setting the permissions on the script so that anyone can ...
2.10 Perl Installation Notes 2.10.1 Installing Perl on Unix 2.10.2 Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows 2.10.3 Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface The PerlDBImodule provides a generic interface for database access. You can write aDBIscript that works with many different database engines ...
$>perl -MCPAN -e shellcpan>install DBIcpan>install DBD::mysql TheDBD::mysqlinstallation runs a number of tests. These tests attempt to connect to the local MySQL server using the default user name and password. (The default user name is your login name on Unix, andODBCon Windows. The ...
pipeline 搭建等工作。这里对 Linux(主要是 CentOS)、Windows 下 Perl 的安装做一个备忘。
modules the projects depended on. As I remember it was Server 2019 not among the supported operating systems at that time but I may be wrong on that count. I used Server 2019 app installation on all attempted earlier ActivePerl installation attempts before attempting the 5.34.0 installation. ...
Strawberry Perlis a perl environment for MS Windows containing all you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems. It includes perl binaries, compiler (gcc) + related tools, all the external libraries (crypto, math...
Portable edition = suitable for "perl on USB stick" (you can move/rename the perl directory and it will still work) PDL edition = portable edition + extra PDL related modules and external libraries Recommended downloads Version Date MSI edition Portable PDL edition ZIP edition 2023-12...