# Perl program to illustrate # the for loop # for loop for ( $count = 1 ; $count <= 3 ; $count ++) { print "lsbin\n" } 输出如下: lsbin lsbin lsbin foreach循环 一个foreach循环用于遍历一个列表, 并且变量一次保存一个列表的元素的值。当我们在列表中有一组数据并且想要遍历列表的元素...
foreach循环遍历列表值,并将控制变量(var)依次设置为列表的每个元素- foreach - 语法 Perl编程语言中的foreach循环的语法是- foreach var (list) { ... } 1. 2. 3. foreach - 流程图 foreach - 示例 #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list=(2, 20, 30, 40, 50); # foreach loop execution foreach $...
@list = (2, 20, 30, 40, 50); # foreach loop execution foreach $a (@list) { print "value of a: $a\n"; } 复制尝试一下 do...while循环 与for和while循环不同,for和while循环在循环的顶部测试循环条件,而C语言中的do ... while循环在循环的底部检查其条件。do...while循环类似于while...
message($_)foreach@list; } submessage { my$m=shiftorreturn; print("$m\n"); } suberror { my$e=shift||'unkown error'; print("$0: $e\n"); exit0; } 注意注释掉的部分,写法和之前的condition语句一样。 loop.pl #!/usr/bin/perl usestrict; usewarnings; main(@ARGV); submain { my...
Perl foreach loop The foreach loop is use dto traversing over collections of data. It has no explicit counter. The foreach keyword goes through the collection one by one and the current value is copied to the temporary variable defined in the construct. ...
# statements inside the loop go here } 4、foreach循环,如 foreach $word (@words) { if ($word eq "the") { print ("found the word 'the'\n"); } } 5、do..while循环 do { statement_block } while (condexpr); do循环至少执行一次循环。
Aforeachloop runs a block of code for each element of a list. No big whoop, “perl foreach” continues to be one of the most popular on Google searches for the language. So we thought we’d see what’s happened in 20 years. I expand on Tom Christiansen’sslidethat’s part of his...
Perl foreach 循环 Perl 循环 Perl foreach 循环用于迭代一个列表或集合变量的值。 语法 语法格式如下所示: foreach var (list) { ... } 流程图 实例 [mycode3 type='perl'] #!/usr/bin/perl @list = (2, 12, 36, 42, 51); # 执行foreach 循环 foreac..
foreach $b (@listB) { statement(s); } statement(s); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nested loops - 示例 以下程序使用嵌套的while循环显示用法- #/usr/local/bin/perl $a=0; $b=0; # outer while loop while($a < 3) { $b=0;
# Foreach loop foreach $key (sort keys %capitals) { print "$key: $capitals{$key}\n"; } 输出 Australia: Canberra India: New Delhi South Korea: Seoul USA: Washington: D.C. 查看输出, 所有关键元素均按字母顺序排序。 Perl按其值对哈希进行排序 ...