语句块和循环语句可以设置标号,last、redo 和 next都可以带一个标号。(等价于C的loop语句) 退出perl? exit 0;代表正常退出perl。 第4学时 基本构件的堆栈:列表与数组 填充和清空数组 逐个元素查看数组 对数组进行排序和输出 标量分割为数组 数组合并为标量 列表是常量,数组是变量,可以将列表存放在数组当中。如: ...
while(my$line= <FH>){ #message("$line"); print$line; } closeFH; } submessage { my$m=shiftorreturn; print("$m\n"); } suberror { my$e=shift||'unkown error'; print("$0: $e\n"); exit0; } first setup a file named linesfile.txt, which content is: This is line 1 This ...
exit; } } while(1); # only'quit'or^C can exit the loop } exit; #implicitexit here anyway # printoutthe help and exit sub usage { my $exit=shift @_||0; # don't exit unless explicitly told so print<first.pl [-l] [-h] [-f FILENAME] The-lswitchlists the filesinthe current...
在同一个程序中,我想使用while函数对STDOUT的输出运行另一个小脚本。因此,我需要将第一个脚本的输出保存到一个数组中,然后才能在while<@array>中使用。//Here I want to use output of above program in while loop // while</e 浏览1提问于2012-01-11得票数 2 回答已采纳 2回答 将文件从列表移到以列表...
In each case, a block of code is executed repeatedly until a loop exit condition is satisfied. The script then continues on from that point. The while Statement In a while loop, the block of code between the { and } braces is executed so long as the conditional expression is true. ...
while(1) { accept( NEW_SOCKET, SOCKT ); ... } 12345 现在,与服务器相关的所有呼叫都已结束,让我们看到客户端需要的呼叫。 客户端套接字调用 The connect() call 如果您要准备客户端程序,那么首先您将使用socket()调用来创建套接字,然后您必须使用connect()调用来连接到服务器。 您已经看过socket()...
perl脚本在第一次运行do while语句后不打印 我正在尝试使用Perl为服务器中的一个简单菜单编写脚本,此菜单有三个选项,范围从1到3,如果您输入任何其他数字,它将提示您输入1到3之间的数字。代码如下: sub main_menu () { system('clear'); print ('### BIENVENIDOS A TERMINAL SERVER DE GOSIT ###\n\n\...
This code (based on accepted answer in this question by @Jeef) is part of a while loop parsing a file. It silently exits: my %hvac_codes; # create hash of unique HVAC codes #Check the hash to see if we have seen this code before we write it out if ( $hvac_codes{$hvacstring} ...
So what's the deal? Why doesn't my while() loop exit prematurely if I pass it a line that's only "0" with no carriage return? Is Evan's loop actually more defensive, or does Perl do something crazy internally that means you don't need to worry about these things and...
print "Please guese the number between 1 and 100: "; while(<>){ chomp if $_ ne "\n"; exit if $_==$num || /quit|exit|\n/; if($_>$num){ print "Too high, please retype: "; }elsif($_<$num){ print "Too low, please retype: "; } next; }...