目录如下: ubuntu服务器解决方案第七讲-perl安装模块 Perl用cpan在linux上面安装模块 Perl及R及python模...
So the above article cannot be used as a reference. Instead we need to download PERL and configure it on the server.So we downloaded and installed Perl from the below link: https://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads The default installation location is: C:\Perl...
Configured with: ../gcc/configure --with-gcc --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --host= mingw32 --target=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw --enable-threads --disable-nls --enable -languages=c,c++,f77,ada,objc,java --disable-win32-registry --disable-shared --e nable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-lib...
Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] ^C [root@ecs-steven CPAN-2.26]# perl -MCPAN -e shell Sorry, we have to rerun the configuration dialog for CPAN.pm due to some missing parameters. Configuration will be written to ...
在执行openDDS 时,我尝试在命令提示符下运行configure,但收到以下输出:Can't find a compiler, set PATH or run this script with the --compiler option.此错误与perl脚本中的这段代码有关(如行号所示): if 浏览19提问于2016-08-09得票数 1 回答已采纳 ...
vc(1) vdir(1) vdltodmx(1) vedit(1) ver(1) vfstest(1) vgrind(1) vi(1) view(1) viewres(1) vim(1) vimdiff(1) vimdot(1) vimtutor(1) vipw(1B) vmmouse_detect(1) vncconfig(1) vncpasswd(1) vncserver(1) vncviewer(1) volcheck(1) volrmmount(1) vp(1) w(1) wait(1) ...
Perl's Configure needs logic to detect C stack grows up, down, or is a pure voodoo linked list malloc implementation. I can't think of any other way to detect "higher" former-C call stack frames that are now uninit memory Because someone threw a C++ exception but didnt kill the process...
切换到源码目录下,运行下述命令: Perl Configure no-asm VC-WIN32 Linux下Perl的安装(转) 原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/mashuqi/p/10938318.html 原文地址:Linux下Perl的安装 今天在虚拟机测试shell脚本的时候,有些命令使用...: 1、在官方网站下载新版本的源码包: http://www.perl.org/get.html,版本...
vc(1) vdir(1) vdltodmx(1) vedit(1) ver(1) vfstest(1) vgrind(1) vi(1) view(1) viewres(1) vim(1) vimdiff(1) vimdot(1) vimtutor(1) vipw(1B) vmmouse_detect(1) vncconfig(1) vncpasswd(1) vncserver(1) vncviewer(1) volcheck(1) volrmmount(1) vp(1) w(1) wait(1) ...