Automation of Immunoprecipitation via Magnetic Beads on the Perkin Elmer Janus Platform for Biomarker AnalysesTwo liquid handling programs were developed for automating the immunoprecipitation processes. The programs are easy to use and incorporate many options to give flexibility. The LC-MS results for ...
a primer annealing region and a reaction region, and then through one or more OLA cycles. A machine may be employed which is specifically adapted for use with a thermostable enzyme, which utilizes temperature cycling without a liquid handling system, since the enzyme need not be added at every...
Microlab NIMBUS Automated Liquid Handling Systems by Hamilton Robotics Cell Culture Equipment See all Purifier Logic+ Class II A2 Biological Safety Cabinets by Labconco MaxQ™ 6000 Incubated/Refrigerated Stackable Shakers by Thermo Scientific HERAcell® 150i & 240i CO2 Incubators by Thermo Fisher Scie...
A valve having a plunger with opposite end sections of equal diameter, a control section of lesser diameter and a valve member. One end section extends from the inlet chamber through a seal to the exterior of the valve, and the other end section extends from the outlet chamber through a se...
Perkin Elmer 240/2400元素分析仪器耗材 Perkin Elmer 240/2400元素分析仪器耗材 REAGENTS Catalog # Description Size 0240-0113 Silver Oxide/Silver Tungstate on Chromosorb 35 cc 0240-0115 Ascarite (Colorcarb) 500 g 0240-0119A Platinized Carbon (Oxygen Analysis) 10 g 0240-0132C Silver Oxide (Sulfur ...
Perkin Elmer 240/2400元素分析仪器耗材 REAGENTS Catalog # Description Size 0240-0113 Silver Oxide/Silver Tungstate on Chromosorb 35 cc 0240-0115 Ascarite (Colorcarb) 500 g 0240-0119A Platinized Carbon (Oxygen Analysis) 10 g 0240-0132C Silver Oxide (Sulfur Analysis) 25 g 0240-0133 8-Hydroxyquin...