point per level (you can also use float as value, for example 1.25 perk points per level)...
point per level (you can also use float as value, for example 1.25 perk points per level)...
PerkPointsPerLevel Endorsements 10,347 Unique DLs 247,051 Total DLs 634,435 Total views 1,093,406 Version Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 05 December 20199:28PM Original upload 01 December 20151:15PM Created by TheLich...
More Perk ..用了技能树大修mod,感觉技能点不够,就弄了这个增加每级升级获取的技能点,但是实测下来第2级3级升级都增加的2点但是第4级5级就又变成了1点,请问要怎么设置呀?谢谢。网上找了很多帖子,试了都不行,谢谢
Changes some perk point features of the game, now you have the choice to gain two perk points per level or not (this mod intends to add two per level, but you have the choice if you only want to use the other features) and you get an ability to convert Dragonsouls to perk points,...
This file allows you to define the amount of attribute points you get per level, the amount of focus points you get per level and the XP multiplier.此文件允许您定义每个级别获得的属性点数量、每个级别获得的焦点点数量以及 XP 乘数。Perks.xmlThis file allows you to define how each perk should ...
con per level:每级的生命值奖励 healing bonus:治疗效果 action points(max):最大行动点 action points:当前行动点 hit chance:命中率,根据属性、技能、武器、敌人闪避/掩护/距离来确定。 critical chance:暴击几率 critical damage:暴击伤害 penetration:破甲,等于或超过目标装甲值就能让目标受到全部伤害。
1 You gain bonus health and action points through the consumption of food. 花费20000瓶盖,使用食物时额外获得回复的HP和AP,perk等级1(HP额外+5,AP+2)貌似这里的植入不受耐力影响··· 7楼2011-09-26 19:37 回复 B100_W60_H95 商队保镖 6 ===DLC3的新Perk(特殊)===DNAgent Completion of...
con per level:每级的生命值奖励 healing bonus:治疗效果 action points(max):最大行动点 action points:当前行动点 hit chance:命中率,根据属性、技能、武器、敌人闪避/掩护/距离来确定。 critical chance:暴击几率 critical damage:暴击伤害 penetration:破甲,等于或超过目标装甲值就能让目标受到全部伤害。
con per level:每级的生命值奖励 healing bonus:治疗效果 action points(max):最大行动点 action points:当前行动点 hit chance:命中率,根据属性、技能、武器、敌人闪避/掩护/距离来确定。 critical chance:暴击几率 critical damage:暴击伤害 penetration:破甲,等于或超过目标装甲值就能让目标受到全部伤害。