I outline how concern with space, uneven development, and the social relationships of peripheral settings have provided substantive boundary and conceptual meaning to rural sociology, propelled its evolution, and left it with a legacy of strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. A willingness to tackle ...
Such well-meaning political correctness does not enable historians and philosophers to compensate for the destruction of indigenous cultures, for the genocides, for the lack of gender equality, in short, for the immense damage and crimes committed in world history in the name of Western rationality...
Sustainability has been the subject of prolonged debate within both academic and mainstream literature, rendered all the more heated because many of the disagreements come down to deep differences in values. These "value wars'' play out in decisions made about issues ranging from development and inv...
Fig.1: NinaexaminesherimagineddevelopmentinPetzold’sGespensterHerePetzold’scinemaupholdsafamiliartaletoldaboutthezemiperipheryas a place lacking significance or meaning and one that is incapable of uniqueself-identification.Anentirelydifferentstrategy,however,isseenintheearlierwork by,and about,Frida Kahlo,...
Gender, Sexuality and the Formation of Racial Identities in the Eighteenth‐Century Anglo‐Caribbean World Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Structuring the colour lines in a British Caribbean slave society The cultural application of meaning: maint... Brooke N. Newman - John Wiley & So...
Dependency theories originated in the 1960 s from the combination of sociology, politics, historical materialism and economics in the analysis of what scholars considered the dependent situation of Latin America (Frank, 1967, Frank, 1973, Furtado, 1966). They are central in the development of ...
2012. "How Does the Restoration of Tōhoku Society Begin? Center and Periphery in the Great East Japan Earthquake" International Journal of Japanese Sociology 21: 6-11.Yamashita, Y. 2012. How does the restoration of Tohoku Society begin? Center and periphery in the Great East Japan Earthquake....
(p < 0.01). For second subsidiaries established in later years, that gap shrinks over time and diminishes by the end of the sample period. While the analysis suggests that this gap is shrinking, the data are right-censored, meaning that the second subsidiary investments are yet to be ...
(2018), discussing what they refer to as trans-media meaning-making in migration contexts, observe that individuals’ identity performances and relational work in their online interaction tend not to be restricted to one media platform, but involve the meaningful selection of affordances, the ...
Following the general idea of place matters and based on the particular features of rural/peripheral settlements, people, and communities, the current study aims at exploring the development and meaning of peripheral identity and its construction, as perceived by adults who were born and raised in ...