In Meniere''s disease, the recordings of all subjects showed two components of eye movements, namely the horizontal and torsional components. On the other hand, most of the patients with vestibular neuritis exhibited all three components of spontaneous nystagmus. The horizontal and vertical components...
In case of BPPV, there must be no vertigo present unless the head is Targeted examination + tests Knowledge of typical and atypical nystagmus is a prerequisite in order to correctly diagnose peripheral vertigo and differentiate it from central. Jerk nystagmus is defined as the fast and slow ...
Ten days earlier, she had had 4 episodes of transient vertigo lasting a few minutes. She had a spontaneous right-beating horizontal nystagmus with a torsional component, in the primary position and on gaze to the right or left. Caloric test showed a decreased response on the left side. ...
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo has typically been reported to be the most common cause of post-traumatic dizziness. There is however paucity in the literature about other peripheral vestibular disorders post-head injury. This article provides an overview of other causes of non-positional dizziness...
Objective To explore the clinical effect of video nystagmus in the diagnosis of peripheral vertigo and central vertigo, and to provide reliable evidence for clinical treatment. Methods From October 2015 to October 2017, 80 patients with vertigo were examined by video nystagmus, and the differential ...
The following features were different in peripheral and central OMP: (1) the presence of vertigo/dizziness was more frequent in central (43.5%) than in peripheral (9.5%) OMP. (2) Central ocular motor signs, such as saccadic smooth pursuit, additional internuclear ophthalmoplegia, skew ...
Central positional nystagmus was not noted in any of the patients with positional vertigo seen by the ED clinicians. Acute vertigo specialists diagnosed nine patients with BPPV (age range 50-88 years, mean 66 years, 卤12.22, 5 females), and six with central positional nystagm...
Furthermore, apogeotropic horizontal nystagmus on supine roll test and isolated positional downbeat nystagmus should also be considered red flags for CPPV.Sethi, Divya158 Base Hospital, Bengdubi, IndiaPatnaik, Uma359 Field Hospital, Panagarh, IndiaSharma, Vikas...
Although horizontal nystagmus was the most common, torsional, vertical and oblique nystagmus were also demonstrated in these patients. The most striking finding was the high incidence of oblique nystagmus closely related to a significant right-left difference of the caloric response in benign positional...
Direction-changing spontaneous horizontal nystagmus with quiescent intervals was observed in all patients under dark conditions. The nystagmus was suppressed by visual fixation; and the results of oculomotor tests were normal for saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements and optokinetic nystagmus. All ...