Peripheral neuropathy in patient with multiple myeloma treated with bortezomibP., AguiarD., CruzR., Ferro RodriguesJ., FajardoF., AraujoJ.L., Ducla Soares
A novel mutation in the WNK1/HSN2 gene causing hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2 in Chinese patient Siqing Ma Chunbo Ji Ping Yang Research23 Dec 2024 Journal of Human Genetics P: 1-4 Guillain–Barré syndrome Guillain–Barré syndrome is an acute immune-mediated polyneuropa...
43 If a deficiency is demonstrated in B1, B6, or B12, replacement should be given to rectify neurological manifestations which may account for the patient’s symptoms. Additional differentials for PDPN include Morton’s neuroma, radiculopathy, entrapment neuropathy (eg, ...
Panagiotis Ioannidis…Springer MilanActa Neurologica BelgicaPantelisMaiovis, SofiaMichelaki, PanagiotisIoannidis, DimitrisKaracostas. (2013) Sequential peripheral neuropathy and myelopathy in a neurosarcoidosis patient. Acta Neurologica Belgica 113 , 343-345 /...
Peripheral neuropathy The peripheral nervous system is a network of nerves in your body. It controls your hands, feet and arms. Sometimes, these nerves can be damaged, leading to pain, weakness and numbness. This condition is known as peripheral nephropathy. It affects 1 in 10 people over the...
Early symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include pain, burning, loss of sensation, diminished tendon reflexes, weakness, and bone deformities.
2022 Select Your Interests Others Also Liked Development of a Treatment Pathway and Patient Education Tool for Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Patricia Locantore-Ford, Blood, 2022 Predictive Assay for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Associated with Vinca Alkaloids in Lymphoid Malignancies ...
Assessing patient-reported peripheral neuropathy: the reliability and validity of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-CIPN20 Questionnaire Qual Life Res (2013) [Epub ahead of print] Google Scholar 20. T.J. Postma Prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: ...
Michigan neuropathy screening instrument (MNSI) and United Kingdom screening test (UKST) with questions about location and severity of clinical signs and symptoms of neuropathy are commonly used to assess DPN [13]. based on physician’s clinical examination and patient’s self-report. The goal of...
et al. Functional and structural changes of the blood–nerve-barrier in diabetic neuropathy. Front. Neurosci. 12, 1038 (2018). Article PubMed Google Scholar Runkle, E. A. & Mu, D. Tight junction proteins: from barrier to tumorigenesis. Cancer Lett. 337, 41–48 (2013). Article CAS ...