athere is a special exhibition of animals,including animals that have died out and animals in danger of disappearing.there are life-size moving models of dinosaurs,and you can also see living animals such as tigers,lions and leopards.And many friendly animals will be happy to let you get clo...
16. Cretaceous Period - Warm climate, resulting in high sea levels, populated with marine reptiles, ammonites and rudists, while dinosaurs continued to dominate on land. Spans 79 million years, from 145 million years, to 66 million years ago. At the end of the period, dinosaurs become no m...
Briefly describe when the Cambrian period took place and the environment of the earth at that time. During what era did dinosaurs become extinct? Who were the Detritivores from the Ordovician to Permian Periods? What were the first true terrestrial animals, accor...
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