Periodic Trends周期趋势 PeriodicTrends atomicradius,ionizationenergy,electronaffinity,andelectronegativity beabletopredicttheorderofelementsforanygiventrend 1 Makeachart:Trend DefinitionPictureofperiodictrend atomicradius ionizationenergy electronaffinity electronegativity why?practice 2 AtomicRadius Definition:•the...
Ion size trends in periods. Going from left to right there is a decrease in size of positive ions. Starting with group 5, there is sharp increase followed by a decrease in the size of the anion as you move from left to right. Ion size trends in columns. Ion size increases as you mo...
similarities across rows and down columns of the periodic table Term ionization (potential) energy Definition the energy required for the process: X --> X+ + e–, in the gas phase; basically the energy needed to remove an electron Term the periodic trend for ionization energy Definition increa...
Overview Initialize Atomic Ionization Energies and Periodic Trends Appendix Overview Very often, chemical reactivity can be thought of in terms of ionization energies. For example, the lower an atom's ionization energy, the higher its reactivity. For an atom X, its ionization energy, IE, can...
PeriodicTrends 化学周期性趋势 ThecharacterofGroupAelements •••••••• Group1AElements(ns1,n2)Group2AElements(ns2,n2)Group3AElements(ns2np1,n2)Group4AElements(ns2np2,n2)Group5AElements(ns2np3,n2)Group6AElements(ns2np4,n2)Group7AElements(ns2np5,n...
Periodic Trends周期趋势.ppt,Periodic Trends atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity be able to predict the order of elements for any given trend Make a chart : Atomic Radius Definition: the distance from the nucleus to
equal to the principal energy level Groups = columns 1-18 elements have similar properties Law: Properties of elements repeat as you move from Left → Right across a period Period → Group ↓ Metallic Character Approx. 2/3 of the elements are metals ...
In a row, the elements that will most likely lose electrons are those that are on the far left. These electrons have one of two electrons in valence... Learn more about this topic: Ionization Energy | Definition, Trends & Factors
Trends in Ionization Energy IE decreases down a group Because size increases. Ionization Energy More energy is required to remove the second or third electron Energy + X+(g) X+2(g) + e- Energy + X+2(g) X+3(g) + e- Exception: between Group 2 and 3 (ex: Be and B)...
You can use trends in ionization energy and electronegativity to predict whether two elements will form ionic or covalent compounds. Lastly, the nuclear charge increases as you go across and down the table, while the shielding stays constant across the periods, but increases as you go down the ...