所属专辑:The Periodic Table Song (元素周期表之歌) 声音简介 元素周期表有关的儿歌 猜你喜欢 405 97-Pe$o by:嘻哈有态度 64 Pe$osPayDay - PayDaysThe4orth-Pe$osPayDay & The4orth by:嘻哈有态度 156 Pe$o Pete - Mixed Emotions 2-Pe$o Pete ...
The Periodic Table (Rapping the elements!) 61004:18 The NEW Periodic Table Song Lyrics (In Order) 220802:44 The NEW Periodic Table Song (Updated) 309002:52 The Element Song 117503:07 BEST WAY TO LEARN THE ELEMENTS! - Periodic Table Song 77202:05 6yo Girl sings “The NEW Periodic Table ...
元素周期表之歌 [The Periodic Table Song (2018 UPDATE!)] +追 超清画质 6 收藏 下载 分享 选集 02:47 I Want It That Way (Backstreet Boys) FUNK remix ft Casey Abrams 2021-12-30 63:42 How To Speak by Patrick Winston 2021-12-23 03:04 Why You Shouldn't Give Ginger To Monkeys (and ot...
The Periodic Table Song (2018 Update) - SingleAsapSCIENCE5 February 2018 Preview Performing Artists AsapSCIENCE Performer Composition & Lyrics AsapSCIENCE Writer The Muscle Song - Single
International Year of the Periodic Table国际化学元素周期表年体裁说明文难度★★★In October 2015, YouTube host Mitchell Moffit released a song called The PeriodicTable Song. It started with the catchy(朗朗上口的) lyrics: "There's hydrogen andhelium, then lithium, beryllium.." The song's lyrics...
Whether you need to brush up on your chemistry, or just love it when someone sets the Periodic Table to music, AsapSCIENCE’s The NEW Periodic Table Song is for you. This rundown of the elements in numerical order is set to Jacques Offenbach’s Infernal Galop, but was otherwise written,...
'Harry Potter' Radcliffe had recently recited it on TV. I wondered what he (and the viewers) might have learnt about the elements by listening to it but shock horror... after listening I realised the song hadn't actually told me anything about The Periodic Table, except what's on it!
•Tune Twist Quiz #29 •Can You Guess the Oscar-Winning Song Based on the Lyrics? •What’s the Kennection? #154 •Can You Solve This Old-Timey Riddle? #25 •Definition Detective Quiz #25 Related Tags QUIZ Quizzes SCIENCE WORK CHEMISTRY HIDDEN OBJECT Home/QUIZZESABOUT...
International Year of the Periodic Table国际化学元素周期表年In October 2015, YouTube host Mitchell Moffit released a song called The PeriodicTable Song. It started with the catchy(朗朗上口的) lyrics: "There's hydrogen andhelium, then lithium, beryllium.." The song's lyrics go on to include...
International Year of the Periodic Table国际化学元素周期表年体裁说明文难度In October 2015, YouTube host Mitchell Mofft released a song called The PeriodicTable Song. It started with the catchy(朗朗上口的) lyrics: “There’s hydrogen andhelium, then lithium, beryllium.." The song's lyrics go ...