Polonium is used on brushes that eliminate dust that has accumulated on photographic film. It is also used in space satellites as the source of thermoelectric power. ‹Metalloid Elements Boron › Silicon › Germanium › Arsenic › Antimony › Tellurium › Polonium › Table of El...
Periodic table of elements第01号元素:氢[化学符号]H,读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen 第02号元素:氦[化学符号]He,读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium 第03号元素:锂[化学符号]Li,读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium 第04号元素:铍[化学符号]Be,读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium 第05号元素:硼[化学符号]B,读“朋”...
Physical and chemical properties of Polonium: general data, thermal properties, ionization energies, isotopes, reduction potentials, abundance of elements, crystallographic data.
The Periodic Table of Elements 1 HYDROGEN H 1 7 6 4 BERYLLIUM 3 LITHIUM Li 23 Be 9 24 CARBON C 12 23 Atomic Number = Number of Protons = Number of Electrons Chemical Symbol Chemical Name Atomic Weight = Number of Protons + Number of Neutrons* 5 6 2 BORON B 11 27 CARBON C 12 28...
Nevertheless, these elements can be trouble. Radon, whose longest lived isotope, 222Rn, a decay product of Radium, only has a half-life of 3.8 days, can accumulate dangerously in people's basements, if those are sunk into rocks emitting the gas. Polonium, also discovered by Curie, and ...
Periodic Table of the Elements. 1. Hydrogen.2. Helium.3. Lithium.4. Beryllium.5. Boron.6. Carbon.7. Nitrogen.8. Oxygen.9. Fluorine.10. Neon.11. Sodium.12. Magnesium.13. Aluminum.14. Silicon.15. Phosphorus.16. Sulfur.17. Chlorine.18. Argon.19. Potassium.20. Calcium.21. Scandium....
化学元素周期表的英文全称Periodic Table of the Elements 缩写PTE 拉丁文英文 1 H氢Hydrogenium Hydrogen 2 He氦Helium Helium 3 Li锂Lithum Lithum 4 Be铍Beryllium Beryllium 5 B硼Borium Boron 6 C碳Carbonium Carbon 7 N氮Nitrogenium Nitrogen 8 O氧Oxygenium Oxygen 9 F氟Fluorum Fluorine 10 Ne氖Neo...
maingroupelements(主族元素)transitionelements(过渡元素)Noblegases/inertgas(稀有气体/惰性气体) s/p/d/fblock(s、p、d、f区)Periodictableofelements Non-metal:非金属Metalloid:准金属Metal:金属 alkalimetal(碱金属)['ælkə'lai]Metal alkalineearthmetal(碱土金属)['ælkə'...
84 Polonium Po 85 Astatine At 86 Radon Rn 87 Francium Fr 88 Radium Ra 89 Actinium Ac 90 Thorium Th 91 Protactinium Pa 92 Uranium U 93 Neptunium Np 94 Plutonium Pu 95 Americium Am 96 Curium Cm 97 Berkelium Bk 98 Californium Cf 99 Einsteinium Es 100 Fermium Fm 101 Mendelevium Md 102...